Volumetric (3D) Imaging

Why use the Vantage system for volumetric and 3D imaging?

  • The Vantage platform provides a generalized high-speed volumetric imaging framework with real-time orthogonal plane displays by combining ultra-high-speed frame rate data acquisition (up to 100,000 FPS), ultra-high-speed data transfer (up to 6.6GB/s sustained) and ultra-high-speed image reconstruction (on the order of 40 million pixels/s).
  • Vantage systems support arrays of any configuration and geometry, including regular, sparse apertures, matrix and row/column arrays, convex and concave, random or custom
  • The Vantage platform currently supports emerging new technologies with potential for cost reduction
    • Arrays with (random) sparse apertures using multiplexers
    • CMUT technology, an economical solution for high-element count matrix arrays
    • Row-column arrays that provide high image quality, yet require fewer system channels
  • The Vantage system offers flexible solutions to interface high-element-count transducers with different system configurations as shown below.
Shown above is a 3D image acquired by the Vantage system with a 1.75 MHz, 16×16 matrix array (Imasonic). Data was acquired with 64 diverging waves, originated from virtual sources behind 64 sub-apertures consisting of 3×3 elements each, evenly distributed across the matrix array. The image was reconstructed using TFM, and the bi-plane images are displayed in real-time to guide inspection and data capture.
4-to-1 Multiplexer configuration
Volume Imaging Package
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