High Intensity Focused Ultrasound | ITEC

Verasonics will have a virtual booth at the upcoming 17th annual ITEC, showcasing the FUS Lite for high-intensity focused ultrasound. The goal of the ITEC event is to present an international platform for the development of technologies/strategies for the imaging/measurements (via ultrasound) of soft tissue elastic attributes. Efforts in the area were recorded over 20 years ago. During the last decade, there has been an increase in interest in the subject. New applications for this technology include prostate cancer detection, evaluation, and monitoring for transplant kidney rejection. HIFU has also been used to observe cancer therapy, tissue and skin engineering, cardiovascular disease characterization of intra-arterial plaque, and muscle dynamics such as myocardium.
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
Focused Ultrasound is a non-invasive therapeutic technology that has gained considerable momentum in popularity in the research ultrasound industry. Potential capabilities of high intensity focused ultrasound include usage in several clinical areas. These areas include endocrinology, cardiology, musculoskeletal medicine, oncology, urology, neurology, and women’s health. The utilization of ultrasound guided FUS (USgFUS) has expanded because of its flexibility, real-time feedback, and affordable cost. With the advancement of the ultrasound research industry, the requirements of researchers have changed. At Verasonics, we are focused on continually expanding our portfolio to address the progressing needs in high intensity focused ultrasound research and product development.
FUS Elite and FUS Transducers
for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
In collaboration with Sonic Concepts, Inc., innovators of high-performance ultrasound transducers, Verasonics presents FUS transducers and their FUS Elite. These cutting-edge high intensity focused ultrasound machines offer a turnkey solution for the advancement of biomedical research in high intensity focused ultrasound.
Sonic Concepts Innovative Transducers
Sonic Concepts designs and builds groundbreaking, superior quality therapeutic transducers in several configurations. Their transducers offer high performance abilities over a comprehensive bandwidth. Their innovative transducers also offer exceptionally uniform acoustic output at a radiating surface perfectly suited for FUS applications.
The FUS Elite 1000 and 3000
The FUS Elite solutions are complete pre-clinical platforms for 3D therapy preparation, delivery, and monitoring. The Elite series expands the FUS platform by offering turn-key solutions for both small and large animal USgFUS research. The platforms provide distinctive features and products that facilitate and advance high intensity focused ultrasound research.
FUS Elite 1000
For small subjects, the FUS 1000 consists of a benchtop platform and the applicator’s motor-driven positioning. The PLUS 1000 also presents motorized rotation of the therapeutic transducer for USgFUS (3D) on small subjects. FUS 1000 is compatible with the FUS -01, -02, and -03 ultrasound transducers.
FUS Elite 3000
For large subjects, the FUS 3000 features an integrated cart and applicator arm for uncomplicated manual positioning of transducers. Also, the 3000 features the motorized rotation of the transducers for 3D USgFUS. The PLUS 3000 is compatible with all FUS transducers.
Verasonics has a lot to share at the upcoming ITEC virtual event. Contact us today or visit our virtual booth (link coming soon) to find out more about Verasonics latest advancements in high intensity focused ultrasound. Click here to find out more about FUS options.