ASNT 2020

Welcome to Verasonics’ Research Ultrasound Booth

The Vantage system is a real-time, software-based, programmable platform designed to accelerate research.

A single Vantage system covers a very broad range of applications and needs for academic and industrial ultrasound research and development, with its capabilities expanded for use in NDE/NDT, materials science, earth science and more.

Beyond its advantages in phased array ultrasound (including extremely fast FMC/TFM), the Vantage system is ideal for implementing versatile multi-channel techniques and applications such as guided wave tomography, acoustic trapping and acoustic emission monitoring.

Researchers in 34 countries routinely use the unparalleled flexibility of the Vantage platform to advance the art and science of ultrasound through their own research efforts. In addition, every Vantage System can be upgraded to any configuration to protect your investment and encompass additional research options.

11335 NE 122nd Way, Suite 100
Kirkland WA 98034